Cleaning the Clutter in All Aspects of Your Life
Everything around you has the potential to affect your mood and energy just as much as what you put into your body. So while you’re cleansing it’s important to notice everything in your life and whether you’re filling your life with things, spaces and relationships that either uplift you or deplete you. Once you begin to take all that spring cleaning energy into the important aspects of your life - whether that’s your home and the physical space around you, the products you use, your social circle + relationships, or your digital devices - you’ll attract in more loving, more gentle and more aligned energy into your life.
Your home
The first place I always devote a lot of cleansing and decluttering to is my home and the space around me. Clutter in your physical space can create clutter in your mind, making you unable to concentrate on the things that actually matter in the present moment instead you’re focusing on the chores that need to be done, the work piling up or that box downstairs that was yet to be put away. You’re left uninspired and stressed.
The products you use
In a consumer industry, it’s SO easy to get caught up in the latest face masks, serums, hair care and beauty products. Everything is the latest and greatest, vegan, natural, organic, radiant, on and on and on. How much are you paying attention to the products you use and the things you buy? Becoming a conscious consumer and mindfully using the products you put on your skin or in your home can dramatically elevate your life. With two kiddos and a little babe, it’s so important that everything in my home is non-toxic and naturally-based so I don’t have to worry about my kids getting into something unsafe for their little bodies.
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Your relationships and social circle
This is big enough to demand a post of its own, but the people around you contribute to clutter as well. Like moons in orbit, their energy and ours create a push-pull effect that can be either positive or negative. Remember, the purpose of clearing clutter is to free your mind of everything that depletes it and ensure that only the uplifting remains. There are people who make us feel high vibe every day, but there are also people who stay in our lives and inhibit our growth because we don’t commit the time or energy to remove their toxicity. Consider the circles you keep and protect yourself from those who make you feel inadequate, limit you, or who extinguish your flame.
Digital detox
This is 2019, so when we talk about social circles, we must consider those that exist in the digital world. Phones, computers, and other electronic devices can be just as cluttered as our physical spaces - if not more. Do you have dozens of apps running simultaneously? Are there thousands of photos and videos from that party you went to months ago and have all but completely forgotten? Freeing up your digital space can improve your mental wellness while using your devices and has the extra benefit of boosting their performance and longevity.
Cleansing is more powerful than people realize. When there is no space for energy to move and flow, things in your life feel as though they are at a standstill. You carry a sense of heaviness with you. Magic happens as you clear out the clutter that has been weighing you down mentally, physically and emotionally.
Where in your life will you be spring cleaning? Share with us on Facebook using #PhilosophieLove.