Celebrating the Father of my Two Kids
Adi, my amazing husband, is my biggest inspiration. I mean, MY BIGGEST. When I met Adi, I was 20 years old and an undergrad at UCLA. We met in a neuroscience class and were in the same study group. Our connection was immediate and intense...
Soon after meeting, Adi confided in me and explained that he had a dark past that he was not proud of. He was worried that I would be shocked, but wanted to get it out in the open immediately. Adi shared that he had been to jail, had several felony counts against him, that he had deal drugs and used meth.
In that moment, I couldn’t quite process his words. The man that I had come to know was wickedly smart, clear faced, glowing from within, spirited, inspired, + well on his way to achieving a Ph.D. in psychology. So instead of freaking out and running away from his past, I stayed, and took a chance on our future. I fell in love. I saw his truth, his rawness, his vulnerabilities, and it gave me even more respect for his path.
The following 5 years were intense and some of the most transformational ones for both of us. During this time, we spent a year broken up (see my Women's Health article for more on this) we lost his father to cancer and held his hand as he passed, we got engaged, my grandmother passed away, my best friend Heather died suddenly, and we got married. We went through hundreds if not thousands of hours of therapy together and on our own
And then, shortly after getting married, we were pregnant with Kai. From the minute Kai was born, Adi was hands on. He was a co-parent. We had a flow about us that was harmonious and beautiful. I instantly felt more peaceful watching Adi with Kai. Since then, we have added Leo added to our family and the love between us all has only intensified.
Instead of having children as a separating factor in our marriage and love, it has only brought us closer to one another. We have a partnership. We are a TEAM. We support each other in being the best versions of ourselves.
Each morning Adi wakes up with absolute gusto - on a mission to help the world heal from shame (see his TedX talk on this) and help individuals get to the root cause of addictions so they can live an existence of truth, love and happiness. And watching the way Adi speaks to my children, leading and teaching by example, warms my heart in a way I never knew possible.
On this Father's Day I plan on letting him sleep in, making him his favorite shakshuka dish and going for a day at the beach to relax and spend quality time together. See this Racked LA post for Adi's awesome father's day wish! It's so creative, and the perfect gift for anyone in your life that plays guitar!
Adi, today we honor you. We Love you. We appreciate you! Keep being you. -Sophie, Kai and Leo xx
How do you like to celebrate Dad? Share with us on Instagram for a chance to win our Dad's Day Giveaway! Stay tuned!
And use code "WELOVEDAD" for 15% ALL ORDERS on ThePhilosophie.com from 6/17-6/24 !
Thank you Shawntae! Have a fabulous weekend!!!
❤️❤️❤️It and ❤️❤️ You