Boosting My Wellness With NutraVege-Philosophie

Boosting My Wellness With NutraVege

As you know, I’m all about the magic of superfoods + supplements, and making it a priority to incorporate them into my daily meals. Finding ways to transform a simple smoothie or a leafy green salad into a high-vibe, potent meal is what I’m all about. It's what keeps me energized and balanced as I try to conquer a million things throughout my day.

I recently came across Nature’s Way NutraVege Omega-3 liquid supplement and am seriously obsessed with it. This supplement is an entirely pure and balanced source of plant-based Omega-3s that help support eye health, cardiovascular health and brain health.* No matter what your dietary restrictions may be - whether you’re strictly plant-based or vegetarian - this is a great way to get your daily intake of essential fatty acids.

It’s also super simple to mix in with your regular diet without changing a thing. I LOVE that. Created from sustainably-sourced algae, this liquid supplement has a light taste that can be added to any meal that same way you add superfood blends. It’s so easy to take that I can even secretly add it to the boys’ smoothies in the morning without them noticing. Talk about a mother’s dream!

I’ve been feeling an urge to up my daily dose of veggies and greens lately as we’re approaching the cold season. I decided to make a delicious kelp salad, which combined beautifully with NutraVege and created a full and yummy flavor profile. It’s such a great way to boost my daily wellness routine - I highly recommend!

You can snag your own online at Amazon or at your local Whole Foods.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

How do you add supplements and superfoods into your favorite dishes? Share with me on Facebook using #PhilosophieSuperfoods or #TrustTheLeaf.

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