California Chef Services Review!
I got a 1 day “trial” day from California Chef (a Food Delivery program).
I really felt like the entire process- from the prep-work, drop off, food presentation, menu, etc- were all done extremely well.
Because I’ve been doing this myself professionally for years (making & dropping off cleanses/ food delivery for clients) I know what kind of work goes into making sure every single step is seamless for the client.
Now on to the fun part: the FOOD!
Breakfast: was a gorgeous egg white Greek scramble with SO many veggies, just the way I make it! Green veggies, asparagus, bell peppers, oh my! It had a side of baked sweet potatoes that were out of this world. I LOVE sweet potatoes and never thought about having them with breakfast! I added a touch of cinnamon and they were amazing!*
Lunch: a BEAUTIFUL salad with more veggies than I’ve ever gotten from any restaurant or food delivery… the way I MAKE my salads! There was about 4 oz of grilled Wild Alaskan Salmon that really hit the spot. When I’m breastfeeding I eat more fish/eggs and "animal" protein than I do normally and this felt great going down. Clean and healthy.
Snack: afternoon snack was a Quinoa and Kale salad. It was scrumptious!
Because I'm breastfeeding and was running around all day I had an additional snack--my Green Dream Smoothie.
Dinner: the dinner was really unique and gave me some ideas for my family! It was black bean and “cheese” taquitos with brown rice and grilled veggies. The “cheese” was made of almond and I didn’t feel like I was compromising flavor at all. I try and stay away from any sort of dairy, other than a little Greek yogurt here and there. I can’t really digest it and I don’t believe adult humans should drink momma cow milk… just my personal opinion.
DESSERT! Was a gluten-free brownie. It was DEEELISHHHH and inspired me to make my own Cacao Magic and Green Dream (the superfoods I created and sell here) version! Not gonna lie, I couldn’t wait to have the brownie at night so I had it mid day, in between breakfast and lunch. Since I’m breastfeeding right now I feel super hungry most of the time and I felt satisfied with this menu. I did have my green dream smoothie (as mentioned above) plus a few handfuls of trail mix in addition to all this beautiful food. But other than that, I was happy as a clam!
*actually taking the time to warm all of these dishes up in the OVEN and not the microwave (we don’t have one, but if we did) made SUCH a difference! Also, eating it on a beautiful plate instead of the container they provide.
As a gift from my parents, they bought me a food delivery for the 2 weeks after having our new son, Leo. It was a great gift because I didn’t have to worry about cooking for myself and I could share with my husband and Kai when I was too lazy to prepare something for them. I won’t mention which company it was, but I wasn’t happy with it. I felt like they gave me nothing but chicken and quinoa (I love quinoa but I get bored having it 3 times a day) and I don’t even like chicken unless it’s once in a blue moon and really done in a unique (but clean) way.
Bottom line? If you’re going to get a food delivery program, California Chef is the way to go. If you’re totally vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free or somewhere in between, they will personalize your food and make it taste excellent while doing so. Whether your goal is to lose weight, convenience, eat cleaner/not processed foods or anything else--I highly recommend these guys! If I can afford to do a service in the future, they will be the first on my list!