Cold and Flu Season: Tips for Health
Cold and flu season is here, so why not create a "sadhana" (daily practice) to help ward off any bugs intent on taking up residence in your body?
First order of business, cultivate good habits that promote a healthy immune system.
Second, learn to manage your stress and keep a postive outlook--your emotional state has as much to do with your physical health as do invading viruses and bateria.
Here's How:
*Get a good night's sleep. Research shows that not getting enough sleep is as bad as unrelenting stress. Aim to be in bed by ten o'clock and up by sixish.
*Eat foods that are high in fiber and low in fat and contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids-for example, wild salmon, ground flaxseeds walnuts chia seeds, or hemp seed.
*Add fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants to help stimulate your immune system.
*Walk, jog, ride your bike 0r any exercise will increase immune function and make you feel happier.
*Go upside down every day. Include headstand, shoulder stand, plough pose, or downward-facing dog in your yoga practice. Strong immunity depends on good circulation; inversions are yoga's fight to your immune system.
*Get outside. Listen to birds sing; watch a sunset; take a stroll in the park. Being in nature can be calming and nurturing.
*Practice loving-kindness toward yourself and others, count your blessings, and don't forget to laugh out loud-every day!
and Philosophie loves the East Coast! (and may be there sooner than later!)
Great tips! Love the last one! Enter me to win that prize! Hehe
the east coast loves The Philosophie!
you’re in!!!! I’ll let you know! I love the last one toooo :)