Recipe for a Raw, Vegan Smoothie: Enzyme Rich Tummy Tamer
In a past entry, I wrote about enzymes and broke down the details to their benefits and the differences between them. The bottom line: as we get older, all of us loose our ability to produce concentrated digestive enzymes. That's where raw food comes in! Raw foods are rich in enzymes. Enzymes are needed for the digestive system to work. They are necessary to break down food particles so they can be utilized for energy. The human body makes approximately 22 different digestive enzymes which are capable of digesting carbohydrates, protein and fats. Raw vegetables and raw fruit are rich sources of enzymes.
While all raw foods contain enzymes, the most powerful enzyme-rich food is sprouted seeds, grains, and legumes. Sprouting increases the enzyme content in these foods enormously.
A diet rich in enzymes can increase energy and stamina, as well as support weight loss, healthy skin, and overall good health.
Here is a delicious recipe for a raw, vegan smoothie that's especially full of enzyme rich foods to aid in digestion.
Enzyme Rich Tummy Tamer
- 2 C coconut water
- 1/2 C fresh or frozen papaya
- 1/2 C fresh or frozen pineapple
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- few fresh leaves of mint
Raw Food Diet: Eliminate the Damaging Foods
The number one benefit for eating a (mostly) Raw Food Diet is that you are (mostly) eliminating all the processed foods that are DAMAGING to the body. For people eating the 'Standard American Diet' (SAD), this is a hard transition to make, but a worthy one. The most important thing is to get MORE raw, natural, unprocessed foods into your daily habits and hoepefully take out some of the cooked, unnatural, processed ones. (which cause food addiction)
Eating enzyme-rich raw foods is not the main reason why people heal and regenerate their bodies. They heal because they are leaving out all the damaging foods. Now don't get me wrong… these enzymes and raw foods are GREAT and they do nourish the body, especially if you are consuming them as vegetable juices and smoothies. When you cook food it changes in its molecular composition, which in turn makes foods more damaging to the body.
Most important take-home message: You can eat enzyme-rich raw foods until you are blue in the face, and you are not going to heal unless you also eliminate these processed foods from your intake.