Pregnancy Health
Pregnancy and Healthy Food
It's been incredibly difficult to eat healthy food since I've been pregnant. I don't crave anything uber healthy and the thought of going into the kitchen to make a green smoothie makes me want to vomit. I don't want any of my staple foods: nothing raw, no ginger tea, no chocolate? It's the strangest thing.
First Trimester
The 2nd month of pregnancy was the most difficult for me. I wanted the classic "I'm sick/hungover" foods.. anything to take the nausea away. This downward spiral began with sweet potato fries, and then slipped into zucchini fries, which then stumbled into regular french fries as long as they were from somewhere that claimed anything somewhat related to health like In and Out (made from real potatoes! cooked in Cholesterol free oil!) or Astro Burger (unlike McDonald's: the devil). For weeks all I craved was fries, squishy challah bread, matzoh ball soup from a local deli, and eggs. I later discovered that potatoes and eggs are both high in folic acid, which is my pretend reasoning behind it being okay.
To be honest, I stopped feeling guilty very early on about this stuff. Yes, I would prefer to eat raw beautiful organic foods. Yes, I would prefer to have a green juice or smoothie at least once a day, and be as vegan as possible. However, this baby is in control, not me. This is the baby's body, I am purely a vessel. I am obviously being as healthy as I can possibly be, choking down veggies, taking my iron and folic acid, and getting enough protein and fats.
Cool things about being preggers
A really interesting thing has happened in this pregnancy: my lactose intolerance has vanished. I can eat any type of cheese or dairy i want: NO STOMACH ACHE!!!!! I still don't drink regular milk, always rice, coconut or almond milk, but i can eat CHEESE! It's been pretty awesome. My favorite snack is Caprese Salad--organic mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and heirloom tomatoes with ground pepper and balsamic. Delish! I'm sure my lactose intolerance will return, and that's fine with me. All of this is somewhat dreamy anyway. I read about another woman whose asthma completely disappeared while pregnant (but returned, unfortunately, a few months after the baby came). It's truly amazing how different our bodies are in this state. Amazing what our hormones control and have the power to alter!
Moderation! Organic! Use your head.
My point of this babbling is this: whatever is happening with your body when your preggers is completely fine and normal. If you're craving random foods, don't feel guilt. Everything in moderation. Make sure you get enough veggies and fresh fruit. If you're going to eat meat, make sure it's organic and grass-fed. ENJOY THIS PROCESS it will be over before you know it, and wallowing or obsessing over how many calories you're eating is an absolute joke. No worries, the baby feels EVERYTHING! Try not to stress out...laugh at yourself, I crack up the entire time I'm in the drive thru line getting a breakfast sandwich or denying a vegetable.
Also, in no time you'll be back to yourself. I'm already working out practically like I used to and today I was completely raw until about 4p... it's happening quickly. Cherish every moment (pregnant or not!)
i also have lactose intolerance that is why i always avoid dairy products.-`’
I love you :) Come Eastie and I can cook you a mean steak and shrimp dinner. Grass fed, wild caught. :)
Ah, cramming for exams is not quite like being pregnant, but it is such a relief to be reminded to savor every moment, and not to be too caught up in demanding things of oneself and stressing out. Thanks!
You are the cutest preggers ever lol, I love ya soph and im so happy for you