How to Block Out the Negative Self Talk

Here's the deal.
If you don't start speaking to yourself with love, you will never ever see yourself as beautiful, fit, toned, pretty, smart, fast…whatever it is you want to look or feel like.
If you are desiring to change an aspect of yourself, FANTASTIC. We are here to grow, evolve, and change, always. But you will absolutely not truly see yourself as that evolved new person if you are continuing to speak negatively about yourself.
In our modern world of social media and technology, we’re CONSTANTLY feeling defeated, less than, judged. Everything you put on your feed is risked for judgment and negative comments. It almost forces you to create the image you want people to see. Out of fear of being hurt and insulted you want to take 1,000 selfies in order to put up the one that catches the dimples perfectly in your cheeks. I think this is absolutely the wrong way to go.
I encourage everyone to remain authentic. The true you is so beautiful and the world deserves to know it. By opening up and being the REAL YOU, you can inspire others in such a profound way. If I walk away each day inspiring one person to live their truth and walk their own path, I feel aligned with the truest version of ME. And that, feels awesome.
Drink a large cup of SUNSHINE with our Liquid Chlorophyll Sunshine Drops and block out the hate!
Here are some simple steps to help you get away from this negative habit:
Begin by jotting down in a notebook or on your phone each time you say something unkind to yourself. No matter what it is, take notes and build awareness for 3 FULL DAYS. Just the annoyance of needing to continuously write it down should help minimize the amount you do!
Give yourself a break! It's enormously freeing and not to mention, a huge stress reducer, to stop holding yourself to insanely high standards. Perfect isn't real. Perfectionism is a dangerous place so when you recognize it in yourself, take action to relax your standards just a little. If you give yourself the same empathy you'd show a friend, it will be so much easier to take on the unkind voice and win.

My hubby speaks to shame a lot.When you feel silly or dumb or like you said something ridiculous, instead of beating yourself up over it, call a friend and tell them how you're feeling. "Hey, I feel so silly, but I'm stuck in a downward spiral and it's only getting worse. Here's what happened..." By saying it out loud, you realize how SMALL of an issue it is and your friend will be there to support you. Shame only works if we keep it a secret! Be vulnerable and see what happens.
In place of negative thoughts and habits, cultivate healthy positive habits:
- Start a gratitude journal.
- Create an at-home yoga retreat for yourself where you can relax + zen out.
- Sign yourself up for a new fitness class or a half-marathon.
- Put on a cute outfit even if you have no intention of leaving the house.
- Pick up a positive affirmation card each morning.
- Take notes to witness your growth in any area of your life + build self-love!

At this point, the only challenge you’re left to face is blocking out negative talk and surrounding yourself with support and love. This took years of practice but what we can tell you is to remind yourself of all the love you're worth.
Repeat this mantra: I am SO worthy of love.
Turn to self-care and know when to step away from a situation or maybe, when you may even need to let go of a relationship. Develop healthy boundaries with people and environments. Be careful about the circles you enter and what you follow on social media. If you’re in need of a little body positivity then follow a boss lady who’s all about it. For myself, I’m a new mama again and my feed is covered with other conscious moms practicing what I preach every day. We lift each other up constantly.
Accessing your vulnerability is a challenge but once you do, it can be so liberating. The world will open up and you’ll find an inner strength you never knew you had.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”" —Marianne Williamson, Founder of The Peace Alliance

I Just listened to your podcast with Jordan Younger & have recently discovered you! I am loving these blog posts and this is exactly what I need to practice right now in my life. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Calli! I’m so glad it’s been helping. Check in with us and let us know how its going! Sending love
This is wonderful. I have been practicing a few of the ideas for the past six month. It has helped so much in all areas of my life. There is always room to grow and become stronger.
Love the quote at the end as well. ♡♡