Top 5 Natural Sugar Alternatives

Ahh the great sugar debate! We know that processed sugars like high fructose corn syrup and white cane sugar aren’t healthy, but there are some amazing natural sugars that are good for us and taste yummy! Try swapping in these instead of your typical go to sugar for baking. I certainly have a sweet tooth, so I like to fully embrace these amazing options.
Grade B Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is definitely an old favorite, but no need to reserve it for pancakes and waffles (green dream ones of course! http://www.thephilosophie.com/blogs/recipes/13853193-green-dream-waffles-gluten-free-superfood-powered). This unrefined sugar still has all of its beneficial nutrients fully intact. Grade B maple syrup is darker and richer in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc.
Lucuma Powder
A lesser known alternative sweetener, Lucuma powder is an absolute gem! Made from the Peruvian Lucuma plant, the leaves are dried and then milled into a fine powder. This low-glycemic sweetener contains many nutrients including beta-carotene, iron, zinc, vitamin B3, calcium and protein. Lucuma powder has a unique, maple-y/butterscotch flavor that adds a light sweetness and hint of “cookie dough” to your favorite recipes.
Coconut Palm Sugar
The coconut is never ending in its bounty of nutrition! Coconut sugar or “palm sugar” is made from the sap around the bottom of the coconut. It is unrefined and made by simply heating the sap until water evaporates and crystals form. It contains vitamins and minerals such as zinc, potassium, calcium, and iron. Additionally, coconut palm sugar contains inulin fiber- slowing the glucose absorption (yay for low glycemic index and no blood sugar spikes!) Makes an EXCELLENT brown sugar substitute.
Raw Honey
Raw honey is one of my favorites! The fact that this honey is raw tells us that all natural vitamins, living enzymes, and nutritional benefits are preserved. The taste is absolutely divine- and it also has wonderful medicinal properties. Philosophie Superfood’s raw honeys make an excellent addition to any recipe, smoothie, or just plain old toast!
Stevia is somewhat controversial. The stevia leaf is a wonderful, ancient, natural sweetener. However many companies have taken the plant and processed it heavily- to a point where it barely resembles it’s original form. Look for organic stevia with no more than 2 or 3 ingredients. It’s a no calorie sweetener that is alkalizing in the body and I love adding it to my smoothies or yogurt for a little sweetness!
Photos by @whollyeva and authoritynutrition.com
This post is written by Eva Alt, of WhollyEva.com
Eva is our NYC brand ambassador and loves sharing her #philosophielove on her instagram @WhollyEva