Interview by Garden-eats today!
This is a repost from the lovely Garden-eats website! They just published this interview with moi + I wanted to make sure you all saw it! xoxo
Today we’re joined by new friend and raw food chef, the beaming Sophie Jaffe, founder of Philosophie Superfoods. We’re always gushing over the photos Sophie shares of her adorable kids on Instagram. When we’re not going, “awhhhh” at those cute photos, we’re feeling inspired by her live-freely-in-the-moment lifestyle. Because of her dedication to helping others live well through real food we wanted to introduce you guys to her.
Sophie created Philosophie to bring vitality and vibrancy to people near and far with her superfood powders. She offers newcomers the superfood challenge- “add a superfood blend to your diet every day for a week to experience increased energy, clarity and balance.” And, in case you’re wondering, Sophie and her beautiful family are living the Philosophie every day. We had an opportunity to chat about Sophie bonding with her kids over food, how her travels help shape Philosophie and what sustainability means to her family.
Garden Eats: Did you grow up around food and plants?
Sophie: Yes! My mom always, always had a garden. We moved around a lot while i was little, but no matter the house, no matter how long we stayed, we had a garden. We always had fresh herbs and vegetables, and we LOVED helping her in the garden and getting dirty! One of my favorite games as a child living in North Carolina was pretending I was from the 1800s and collecting veggies from the garden in my long skirt (a quilt wrapped around my waist) and dipping water from our pond into a pail. I think those early experiences “planted” a deep reverence in me for the nourishing power of fresh, whole foods from the earth.
GE: Sophie, you’re a world traveler. How have your travels shaped the Philosophie brand?
Sophie: Traveling is always a fun challenge for me when it comes to food and eating. Figuring out where to get my staples, navigating around town to different markets and healthy stores, deciphering the language and how to communicate what I’m looking for, etc! Then of course the MOST fun is discovering new foods. The majority of the superfoods in my blends are inspired by the foods I learned about across my travels and research about other parts of the world. Cacao was very popular in Guatemala during my time volunteering. We would go out at night for hot chocolate as a social activity. We learned all about the antioxidants and benefits of chocolate in its pure form. Most of the ingredients in Berry Bliss were influenced from my experience in Thailand. I would eat mangosteen daily after purchasing from the back of a local farmer’s truck. My mantra is to “Make Every Food A Superfood” and I truly feel with my superfood blends you CAN, no matter where you are in the world and what ingredients you have available.
GE: We love that Philosophie focuses on creating fresh, small batch superfoods. Can you remind readers why small batch is so vital to everyday wellness.
Sophie: We create small batches of our superfood blends because I strongly believe the energy of the people creating the product affects the person consuming it. Each person on the Philosophie team is handpicked and trained by me. They are all loving, inspiring people who are part of the team because they believe in what we do and love doing it. They were already using the superfoods all the time on their own, so finding me and becoming an integral part of Philosophie was a seamless transition. We also believe creating small batches ensures the absolute highest quality of PURE and POTENT ingredients and products. That’s the point of my product line: there are zero preservatives or fillers. If we were mass producing, I’m not sure how that could stay true.
GE: You know we love connecting kids with real food through everyday experiences out in the world. Do you take your boys to the farmer’s markets with you? What’s it like when they’re in the kitchen?
Sophie: Kai and Leo (3 1/2, 1 1/2) LOVE helping in the kitchen and ADORE the farmers market! They can’t get enough. Kai and I usually have a mommy/son date every Sunday where we sneak away and check out new produce and sample everything. It’s such a special time for us and we cherish it. Leo LOVES making smoothies and helps me on the reg – he insists on putting all of the ingredients in and pushing the button (with supervision of course). They both have very adventurous palates and will pretty much try anything if they see me eating it first–the key is to start them early on a variety of pure foods.
GE: We agree! We love helping our clients get creative with new ingredients and superfoods. Because the warmer weather is coming, what’s one of your favorite ways to incorporate Philosophie into kid’s meals?
Sophie: Popsicles and smoothies! Nothing is more nutrient-dense and refreshing and FUN to eat when it’s warm outside!
GE: Connecting with real food inspires people to live their healthiest. What tips can you share with busy parents who are also trying to carve out time to reconnect with fitness?
Sophie: When kids are really young and still taking naps, that’s the best time for a workout. Online yoga and Pilates is so easy to access. Be consistent with your workouts just as you are trying to be consistent with your food. Start every day with a smoothie, for example. And each day give yourself the gift of 20-30 minutes of activity while they nap. In just a few short days you will notice a huge shift in your energy levels, mood, and body! And within a few short weeks, your routine will be second nature and easier than ever to follow.
GE: How does your family practice sustainability?
Sophie: My family practices sustainability by being mindful in how and what we spend money on, how and what we expend our energy on, and how we give back to our mother earth. They are still very young so I try little things each day to teach them. We rarely use paper towels, instead use reusable cloths to clean. I teach them how to recycle and most importantly to reuse. We talk about why it’s so important not to litter and we pick up garbage in our neighborhood or on hikes. I explain why we turn off lights when we aren’t using them and why we walk places instead of driving, if we can. I always explain the “why” of things and attempt to give them a sense of the bigger picture. They may not understand it all right now, but the point is to introduce a way of seeing and interacting with the world. Give them the framework, and they’ll fill in the blanks as they grow. It’s so inspiring to watch a sense of care and responsibility for the world unfold in such new little souls, and it’s a great feeling to know you had a part in instilling such beautiful values!
GE: Any new partnerships or news you’d like to share?
Sophie: We are now selling on Amazon.com, which is very exciting! It will make it easier and more convenient than ever to get nourished! We are also coming out with new products this year–the newest one is a delicious, organic coconut butter mixed with our superfood blends, vanilla bean, and a touch of maple syrup. It’s going to be sublime. I’m also selling all my sister’s handmade, gorgeous healing products for body, which are wonderful for all ages, completely pure, and stunningly effective. Right now my faves are her Detox Bath Soak and the Healing Face Oil!!! I won’t use anything else on my face–it does it all. She’s also coming out with a multi-balm for pain, inflammation, and skin issues next month, and we’ll add it to the site–you don’t want to miss it.
GE: Thanks for stopping by Sophie! Can’t wait to try the coconut butter and check out your sis’ new goods!
Want to get a taste of the Philosophie? Take Sophie’s challenge here and stop back to let us know how great you’re feeling!